Apocalypticism Press

  • At the visual level, Moon Walker is the second coming of Marc Bolan. On the sonic standard, he is Slade sashaying around Saturn holding hands with Sweet." "Apocalypticism is incorrigibly clever, strewing vital intelligence and seedy riffs as often as it ignores gravitational law. It is a propulsive and outward-facing record that works like a covert operative against the heretical ignorance and maggot-mawed moral tenor of the doom- scrolling day, tossing Talmudic wisdom atop its dimwitted dumpster fire as it goes."

    Dana Miller (QRO)

  • "Apocalypticism is the new LP, a brilliant rock record that packs a lyrical punch at the powers-that-be in a world that should be better than it is."

    Matt Conner (Analogue Music)

  • "An artist captivatingly expressing his point of view is Moon Walker’s strength." "The title track draws the listener in with harmonized vocals and synth pads reminiscent of ELO or Queen in the mid-seventies." "'Them' Catchy beats and chunky guitar riffs are matched with a high- pitched, almost shredding metal solo, bringing the song to a majestic climax." "packs a powerful punch and is well-worth a deep listen."

    Brian Kuhar (Psychedelic Scene Magazine)

  • "Over eight eclectic tracks, Moon Walker imagines an apocalypse and confronts society's troubling inclination towards a hive mind."

    Paltrocast TV

  • "Springer has transformed Moon Walker into a politically charged rock outfit with enough neck-breaking tempos and chugging arrangements to satisfy the snobbiest rock fans." "Apocalypticism is a deeply personal onslaught of Springer’s catastrophic view of the world around him, his truths are set to chaotic arrangements that show an artistic evolution with immediate playback value..."

    Ryan Dillo (Glide Magazine)

  • "Style and substance go hand-in-hand on the indie-rocker's topical third release."

    Darryl Sterdan (Tinnitist)

  • "Apocalypticism is a deeply personal onslaught of Springer’s catastrophic view of the world around him, his truths are set to chaotic arrangements that show an artistic evolution with immediate playback value."

    Ryan Dillon (Glide Magazine)

  • "...expresses his frustrations with the present-day in the track “Give The People What They Want”, tackling the defects of American society via an arresting punk rock song"

    Caitlin Moehrle (Imperfect Fifth)

  • "Moon Walker turns up the heat with this fiery anthem. Funky, fuzzed-out bass and guitars make "Give The People What They Want" a full-bodied production, while sections with only drums and vocals create dynamic range."

    Julia Kai Fink (Enharmonic Magazine)

  • "There is almost a whimsicality to the single that draws sonic similarities to Panic! At the Disco’s 2016 album Death of a Bachelor. The inclusion of monotone layered harmonies, that slowly become more intense and passionate, could be compared to “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” ..between the drum and guitar tracks that drag the piece forward in a manner that stirs up intentional discomfort. One thing is for certain: Moon Walker will not let you kick back and relax as the world falls apart."

    Audrey Ouillette (Melodic Magazine)

  • "Moon Walker is taking a long hard look at American work culture with his latest single “American Dream Come True,” while in the video for the song he’s taking quite the literal long hard look at himself."

    Adam Bernard (NYC Scene Report)

  • "Opening a wide- panned synth sound somewhat reminiscent of a tone Aphex Twin would use, but as the song moves on there’s more homage to post-punk and psychedelic hardcore like the Mars Volta. The final product is all its own though."

    Glide Magazine