Truth to Power

  • Set in sepia and greyscale, “Disturbed Suburbia” flashes with bright scenes and pops of color, helping to illuminate the lyrics of the song which poses a commentary on what it takes to appear well adjusted in today’s society.

    Mariah Hansen (303 Magazine)

  • "Disturbed Suburbia" is yet another example of why Moon Walker are quickly catapulting themselves to the top of the rock totem pole. The trademark thumping bass grooves and scathing lyricism, with which Moon Walker have built their foundation, are in full swing. The cinematic and thought-provoking music video (directed by lead singer, Harry Springer) perfectly expands their visual image, just as the song expands their sonic landscape.

    Edgar Allan Poets

  • Since debuting in May 2021, Moon Walker has had quite the ride. In just three months, the LA two-piece has amassed over a quarter of a million Spotify streams and YouTube views, secured over 100 press features, and garnered a fast-growing, loyal following.

    Music Alive

  • Le groupe qui arrive rapidement depuis Los Angeles, avec un bruit de rock qui fuse, c’est à n’en pas douter le duo californien Moon Walker, qui depuis ses débuts… en mai dernier, enchaîne les succès, les streams et les vues ! Aujourd’hui, il nous fait découvrir son voisinage étrange, son


  • Moon Walker have provided another unique blend of sounds and genres here on their latest single. Funky basslines and all over this song, along with David Bowie style guitar licks. This is all accompanied by Robert Plant-esque vocals. Moon Walker though manage to combine all of these historical sounds in a really fresh and contemporary way, that acts as the perfect vehicle to get across their bold lyrics. The track is concluded with a killer solo that seems like a fitting end to a really cool track.

    Lower Loveday

  • A very intimate song, ‘Disturbed Suburbia’ reviews their childhood in privileged suburbia but through a looking glass. Instead of saying, “oh, yeah, I had a good and fortunate upbringing”, Moon Walker picks through the nitty-gritty of a socially insecure world.

    Nicole Mendes (The Other Side Reviews)

  • In 'Disturbed Suburbia', Moon Walker disenchant the upper middle class's enclosed paradise - suburbia. The suburban space (in the US) is a sphere inhabited by predominantly white and privileged people who claim to be antiracist and progressive - but those lip servives only last until they are actually confronted with their own privilege. It's a white man's world. With suburbs being one of the most American things I can imagine, I am reminded of Crèvecoeur's essay "What is an American". Since Europeans began colonizing the continent, the definition of a Americans has quickly turned to them being white Christians - and that has not changed ever since. Moon Walker's single 'Disturbed Suburbia' is a critical take on that very phenomenon..


  • The funk has been lost for a while now. The period of merging funk into pop could only be done by a select few, adept at the art and instruments that speak the groove. All good things must pass, and many must return if they’re very good. Welcome back the funk groove with Moon Walker’s latest single- Disturbed Suburbia.

    Sinusoidal Music

  • The fourth single since the duo made their debut in May of this year, “Disturbed Suburbia” features a thumping bass line. Don’t forget to listen for the cascading chorus with such groovy yet delicious melodies. Gravel yet smooth vocals have a wide range, but usually stay in the soft, earthly tenor range.

    Ai Sasami (Ai Love Music)

  • Moon Walker formed in May of 2021, and since then have taken the scene by storm. Their newest single, ‘Distrubed Suburbia’ further bolsters their discography. Their signature bass lines are infectious, while the lyrics touch on some of the bullshit that the suburbs bring. Every instrument is interesting enough to stand on its own, but when they’re all playing it’s magical.

    Tyler Roberts (Indie Top 39)

  • Diretamente dos Estados Unidos Moon Walker é uma dupla de amigos que vem chamando atenção dos amantes dos estilos Indie Rock e alternative Rock. Com uma instrumentalidade classicistas eles mostram ter talento para estar entre um dos melhores da sua área.

    Gabriel Mestrinel (Roadie Music)

  • LA-based outfit return with another bold and breezy slice of blues-rock gold.

    Chris Bound (Mystic Sons)

  • LA two-piece, Moonwalker, are creating music that fill us up with the right amount of excitement and groove. Many bands are trying to secure a good rock sound, similar to old rock bands but that’s a tough place to achieve. However, Moon Walker just hit it right in the nail.

    The Luna Collective

  • The song is pure awesomeness. So is the music video. In this signature laid back fashion I’d like to call ‘Moonliness’, the guys of LA two-piece band Moon Walker mix ‘retro’ and ‘lush’ into one big bowl of groove and fun. While the backing feels vibey and texture rich, containing an awesome bass line and a smooth vintage rhythm set, the tune creates an atmosphere that feels as if it was refined by life.

    Florian Meier (KMS Reviews)

  • L’Indie-Rock a ce pouvoir de détendre et divertir les oreilles dans une impulsion groovy qui donne envie de danser. Portés par la mélodie, cette chanson nous entraine rapidement dans un moment de doux bonheur, discret mais profond.

    Iggy Magazine

  • Desde su debut en mayo de este año, el duo de Los Angeles han crecido en más de cuarto de millón en streams. Su nuevo single, ‘Disturbed Suburbia’ es otro ejemplo del por qué su estilo los ha lanzado a lo alto. Especialmente por su habilidad de crear melodías pegadizas y los riffs de bajo bailable y entretenidos.

    Miguel Crovari (Mickeys Weekly)

  • De mannen van Moon Walker zijn pas live sinds mei dit jaar. Maar toch kunnen ze al rekeningen op honderdduizenden streams en meer dan 100 features in de pers. Afgaande op liedje Disturbed Suburbia snappen we dat heel erg goed. Catchy, groovy, retro, rauw. Daar kan je toch niet op stil blijven zitten?


  • Funky, psicodélica e ligeiramente pós-punky, a banda vem preparando o lançamento de seu álbum de estreia, Truth To Power, que sairá no próximo dia 24 de Setembro. O disco foi gravado em Los Angeles, no apartamento da dupla, projetado, produzido e mixado por Harry.

    Bruce Rodrigues (Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos!)

  • La formation américaine nous sert une chanson rock qui a un sérieux groove de laquelle émane une certaine attitude désinvolte. L'interprétation vocale masculine énergique et charismatique à souhait ajoute beaucoup d'entrain à ce morceau hyper accessible. Le refrain accrocheur combiné à l'aspect hautement mélodique de ce morceau joyeusement endiablé fera votre journée!

    Pascal DesLauriers

  • Проект был создан двумя участниками группы The Midnight Club, как отдушина во время карантина. Дуэт уже успел выпустить четыре великолепных сингла и в конце сентября представит свой дебютный полноценный альбом, так что рекомендуем подписаться на исполнителя что бы не пропустить.

    Spotify Community

  • Moon Walker’s ‘Disturbed Suburbia’ is an exciting new track that blends luscious vocals over a dance-ready beat. The tone is bright and we love the energy that pulses throughout the instrumental. It’s catchy and fun and we guarantee you’ll want to hum or sing along. We’ve been on a high kick with Moon Walker’s work lately (check out their Spotify). Why? Because it’s some of the more laid-back material we’ve devoured over the last few months and now we can’t wait to hear more.

    S Ben Ali (Keep Walking Music)

  • “Light Burns Out” is the latest single by the LA two-piece indie rock band Moon Walker. To sum it up, it delivers a one of a kind indie experience that I couldn't find any other act this year so far.

    Mena Ezzat (Rock ERA Magazine)

  • Combining the theatrics of The Last Shadow Puppets with the style and swagger of David Bowie, it is easy to see why Moon Walker has attracted such a buzz.

    Sarah Taylor (Music Is To Blame)

  • “Lights Burns Out” is a heartfelt reminder of consequences in retrospection of our indifference to social, political, racial justice. “We drown, we drown together.” As a humanity, we are drowning as the people in charge, ruining our planet. In the end, we will sink together when our planet is no longer habitable.

    Punk Head

  • “Light Burns Out” begins as a ballad, a whirring mellotron harmonizing nicely with gentle piano notes as the laid-back rhythms of the bass and drums sustain their heartfelt melodies. At the same time, Harry’s scathing vocals and thoughtful lyrics complement the introspective mood of “Light Burns Out” quite well; and as the track unfolds, it evolves into a boisterous singalong that will unite listeners from all walks of life through the power of music.

    Trey Anastacio (Less Than 1000 Followers)

  • While the melody gets you into the single, it is the vocals that are the real star. The lyrics draw on the turning back of the clocks for Daylight Savings to pull you into the message of the single. There is an explicit criticism of the desire by some to turn back time that is woven perfectly through the single. Springer’s vocals move from melodic soothing to a call for us to stand together and move the world in a better direction. The movement of his performance is extremely catchy and will have you singing along on the chorus.

    Claudia (The Other Side Reviews)

  • The latest single from Moon Walker sounds like an intergalactic explosion of spacey melodies, set to a backdrop of some of the legends of rock music.

    Lower Loveday

  • This is not a soundtrack to revolution, but to what happens afterward. Setting the world ablaze is all fun and good, but somebody has to clean up the mess.

    Eduard (Alt77)

  • Yes, every song Moon Walker has released up to this release has been a criticism of USA… But even the angriest need to calm down at the end of the day.

    John Cronin (Minimalistic Music)

  • This one feels like an instant classic. The track lyrically is quite thought provoking though, pushing the listener to look deeper into what they know about their home country.

    Chris Lamaro (AAA Backstage)

  • While Moon Walker is better known for the outfit’s politically charged lyrics and antagonistic tone, “Light Burns Out” is a softer shift to look at how we’re all in this together. That doesn’t make it any less of a rocking rally.

    Ben McCoy (Unxigned)

  • Liricamente, eles trazem uma tema interessante, ao virar sua toda sua criaitivdade para o sensacionalismo da mídia de uma forma feroz, mas que só eles poderiam fazer. "A TV me fez fazer isso" é a tradução literal do título de uma música em que a banda não somente traz um conteúdo lírico evoluído, como também expande suas influências e elementos sonoros, se inspirando em nomes como Talking Heads e Pink Floyd.

    Elio Sant’anna (Os Garotos De Liverpool)

  • Light Burns Out es un reclamo, un golpe que se alza después de padecer muchas mentiras y promesas rotas. Nos sienta en un mundo desesperanzado, donde el único refugio se encuentra en la nostalgia del pasado, pero sobre todo en los sueños que se frustraron. Ya que vivimos sin grandeza, ni futuro, solo con un reloj que da marcha atrás. Una muestra más de que el rock no está muerto, sino que camina en la luna. Abajo está el play.

    Nelson La Ratta (Mickeys Weekly)

  • “Light Burns Out” flies through time and space to another dimension for a history lesson and a generational warning. The upbeat classic rock song is a clear narrative of the current failed U.S. political system. Moon Walker shouts out with a passion, letting their audience know that history is repeating itself – no time machine needed.

    Abeni Moreno (Rising Artists Blog)

  • A música é tão politicamente carregada quanto um ouvinte regular já esperaria, mas parece que Springer pode estar direcionando sua atenção para a unidade, ao invés de uma polarização maior. A canção lentamente se desdobra de uma balada de piano escaldante para um canto emocional, que eclodirá em todos os ouvintes de todas as esferas da vida, unidos pelo poder sonoro.

    Roadie Music

  • Harry Springer and drummer Sean McCarthy have created a fusion of explosive drum grooves and thrashing guitar riffs that is all their own.

    Jack Marin (Rattler Magazine)

  • Los americanos Moon Walker presentan Light Burns Out, una balada nostálgica y contemplativa en la línea de The Beatles o Elton John.

    Rock Culture

  • Nesta faixa, eles deixa ma guitarra de lado insere piano e mellotron característico do power pop e da psicodelia sessentista, trazendo vocais harmônicos para uma faixa de lirismo instropectivo.

    Os Garatos De Liverpool

  • The song is just as politically charged as a regular listener would expect, but it seems as though Springer may be aiming his attention at unity, rather than further polarization. The song slowly unfolds from a searing piano ballad into a boisterous singalong that will have all listeners, from all walks of life, united through the power of music. As if we needed it, 'Light Burns Out' is the public's third reason to pay attention to Moon Walker.

    Press Party

  • Confronting electronic consumerism at its finest, Moon Walker makes you take a step back and gets you to reflect on how influenced you are by the screens and their content around you.

    Jaye Maverick (Rising Artists Music Blog)

  • The band seems to base their visual textures with 70’s attire, twisted with a modern approach. Taking inspiration from bands like Pink Floyd and Talking Heads, it is no wonder that the band oozes out vintage rock and roll spirit, all with their own ferocious yet enlightening approach to social commentary.

    Madzenman (JPGChief)

  • Over the course of the work the song itself seems to lose its own sanity, going deeper and deeper down into rabbit holes. A sort of interesting take on 1960s paranoia, but instead focused on the originators of that paranoia and their intense influence on the world at large, a world that appears to be bursting at the seams.

    Colm Slattery (Fruit Sonic)

  • Starting with a funk-fused riff, the song soon morphs into a rock fuelled critique of modern society and the lack of responsibility engrained in the culture of the western world. “He always was an angel / The TV made him do it” bemoans the band, which is almost a direct swipe at the thousands who ran riot in Washington on the whim of the outgoing President.

    James Ogden (Music Is To Blame)

  • Moon Walker blend a surprising amount of styles that make us assume their record collection has to be as impressive as the act themselves. New favorite act? Possibly.

    Matt Simon (Ear To The Ground)

  • While "The TV Made Me Do It" shakes and spin in an art punk meets glam meets funk rock way, the lyrics shine with dark lyrics informed by recent dark events, of identity politics turned inside out, small minds ruling the roost, broken morals, proud boys and cancel cultures converging, truth becoming propaganda and propaganda becoming the truth and a day of infamy

    Robb Curtius (American Pancake)

  • LA-based artist duo Moon Walker is without a doubt the most underrated band of 2021, an incredible indie rock powerhouse the likes of which I’ve never heard. They tear down the walls between genres, crafting psychedelic riffs with robust basslines, the ska-punk freneticism and inspired political themes in a tightly crafted indie-alternative soundscape that is both contemporarily influenced as well as embracing the raw vivacity of vintage rock spirit.

    Aditya Katakol (Sinusoidal Music)

  • They are back with another political hard hitter, ‘The TV Made Me Do It”. According to Harry, the “it” is referring all those psychos storming the capitol, clearly Moon Walker is not afraid to speak on tender topics.

    Jaye Maverick (Rising Artists Music Blog)

  • Une chose est sûre, ce duo est unique, unique en son genre et en son style et c’est pour cela qu’on a absolument partager cette chanson avec vous ! Le chanteur qui manie la plume comme personne a écrit là une chanson poésie, où chaque rime sonne comme un raisonnement philosophique ou tout simplement comme du vécu.

    Iggy Magazine

  • Each element of ‘The TV Made Me Do It’ has been allowed the space and time in which to breath and stretch out with all of its sexy, sonic prowess. A shining star in a psychedelic universe.

    Snazy Craig (Pillar Artists)

  • Music-wise, "The TV made me do it" is a bouyant, easy-going, and light-footed Indie Funk anthem containing lots of fuzz, psychedelia, and gentle movement. The catchy bass line in the verses is the most outstanding element, and it smoothly leads into a bright sonic calleidoscope that is the chorus. This sound should be called Psychedelic Disco.


  • What I find intriguing is while there is a “bop” to ‘The TV Made Me Do It’, the track explores controversial and provocative themes. Vocalist and guitarist Harry Springer describe Moon Walker’s sophomore single as being “…about our relationship with the media. Our desire to regulate it, censor it and use it as a scapegoat while also using it to push agendas and add purpose to our lives. I think it’s one of the most necessary songs we’ve made.”

    Nicole Mendes (The Other Side Reviews)

  • The electrifying track, accompanied with a thrilling music video, truly has something for everyone. The deep bass and heavy guitar riffs are sure to please any rock fan with an opinion, the vocals and powerful lyrics make it obvious that this is not a one hit wonder punk rock band.

    Jaye Maverick (Rising Artists Blog)

  • While "The TV Made Me Do It" shakes and spin in an art punk meets glam meets funk rock way, the lyrics shine with dark lyrics informed by recent dark events, of identity politics turned inside out, small minds ruling the roost, broken morals, proud boys and cancel cultures converging, truth becoming propaganda and propaganda becoming the truth and a day of infamy

    Robb Donker Curtius (American Pancake)

  • A sensational funky deliver blended with social critique. Los Angeles’s Moon Walker are back with a spicy and catchy tune going heads on towards media sensationalism. Pure and funky rock and roll.

    Less Than 1000 Followers

  • Distorted guitars, passionate and playful vocals all wrapped in vintage sienna are the product of Moon Walker's newest single, "The TV Made Me Do It". Confronting electronic consumerism at its finest, Moon Walker makes you take a step back and gets you to reflect on how influenced you are by the screens and their content around you.

    Taevin (Get Some Magazine)

  • O tom sépia do videoclipe já contribui para a congruência com o próprio aspecto visual da banda (sempre impecáveis na estética “glam-retrô”), o som e a mensagem transmitida. Sim, temos uma crítica social aqui das mais poderosas, com a televisão sendo denunciada por alienação, incentivo desenfreado ao consumo, e também por estar pondo a vida das pessoas em risco. Totalmente incisivo e panfletário o discurso!

    Roadie Music

  • Since debuting in May 2021, Moon Walker has had quite the ride. In just three months, the LA two-piece has amassed over a quarter of a million Spotify streams and YouTube views, secured over 100 press features, and garnered a fast-growing, loyal following. Their latest offering, “Disturbed Suburbia” is yet another example of why Moon Walker are quickly catapulting themselves to the top of the rock totem pole. The trademark thumping bass grooves and scathing lyricism, with which Moon Walker have built their foundation, are in full swing. The cinematic and thought-provoking music video (directed by lead singer, Harry Springer) perfectly expands their visual image, just as the song expands their sonic landscape. With every release, the duo pulls back the curtain a little bit more, revealing another reason that everyone should be paying attention to Moon Walker.

    Music Alive

  • El último trabajo de Moon Walker Disturbed Suburbia, es una mezcla de rock alternativo, punk y garaje. Buena muestra de ello es este The TV made me do it, su último lanzamiento.

    Rock Culture

  • L’immaginario estetico e in parte sonoro a cui attingono i Moon Walker ricorda un pochino quello degli I Don’t Know How but They Found Me, il super duo composto da Ryan Seaman e Dallon Weekes, pur con un approccio un po’ meno pop ed elettronico rispetto a questi ultimi, in favore di un sound che ha maggiori richiami funky e psichedelici, mentre l’elemento post-punk è appena appena accennato ma decisamente riconoscibile, e in fin dei conti è proprio quello che fa distinguere questo brano rendendolo particolare.

    Booklet Magazine

  • Os americanos do Moon Walker entregaram uma track completa em “The TV Made Me Do It”. A música conecta referências psicodélicas e ligeiramente pós-punk. Não somente isso, apresenta o toque do funk que oferece um groove excelente e uma linha de baixo que traz uma apimentada a mais na música que a faz brilhar!

    Natalia De Mitri

  • Sticking their lyrical finger in the face of greed and misguided religion, the act pull no punches with what is our favorite rock track of 2021.

    Matt Simon (Ear To The Ground Music)

  • We are super excited to share this amazing Rock track “Tear Down The Wall” by professional band Moon Walker. The song comes with an outstanding music video that definitely will give you a better experience while listening.

    Cheers To The Vikings

  • This is throwback punk with a satirical edge. Highly infectious and I’d love to catch these lads for an interview sometime – I reckon they’ve lots of interesting opinions and views.

    The Sound Sniffer

  • Blessed with memorable hooks and a knack for posing, this is a group that is clearly aiming towards large and long-lasting success. I can’t see them quit and go off to college, but I can see them recording their own "Elephant".

    Eduard (Alt77)

  • Un inizio davvero travolgente per questa band di cui sentiremo di certo parlare in futuro!

    Alessandro Tartarino (Indie For Bunnies)

  • A faixa eletrizante, acompanhada por um videoclipe igualmente atraente e emocionante, realmente tem elementos que fascinam. A bateria implacável e os riffs de guitarra explosivos, certamente agradarão a qualquer aficionado do rock que “teme o pior para seu gênero amado” (aquela balela de que o estilo está morto e coisas do tipo), enquanto os vocais explosivos e as letras assustadoramente oportunas, tornam óbvio que esta não é apenas uma banda de blues rock exploradora de nostalgia. É MUITO MAIS!

    Roadie Music

  • Apesar de já ter aparecido anteriormente no site por conta de outro trabalho, este na verdade é o single de estreia do duo norte-americano. Divulgado nas plataformas de streaming na primeira quinzena de Maio, 'Tear Down of The Wall' é uma faixa eletrizante, com uma cozinha muito bem destacada, riffs de guitarra explosivos, envolventes e que mostram que eles tem muito a dizer em suas composições e também mostram que não se prendendo somente a nostalgia dos aficionados pelo blues rock.

    Elio Sant’Anna (Os Garotos De Liverpool)

  • Les mélodies accrocheuses, les riffs de guitare, la rythmique, tout est fait avec précision et montre le niveau, la qualité de Moon Walker. Des accords familiers qui finissent par se propager comme pour mieux vous dompter, vous ne pouvez pas résister à ce tourbillon de son, à cette parenthèse musicale qui est une belle porte d’entrée vers le catalogue musical de Moon Walker que nous vous conseillons.

    IGGY Mag

  • As soon as you think you have a handle on Moon Walker’s identity, they switch it up. For most bands, this would spell failure. For Moon Walker, they’d fail if they weren’t doing this. The song “The TV Made Me Do It” is the better part of ’70s classic rock and funk mixed with modern-day alternative rock. Envision a beautiful marriage between The White Stripes, The Talking Heads, even Wild Cherry. Why is this song not burning up rock radio right now?

    Theron Moore (New Noise Magazine)

  • Moon Walker has recorded a full-length album, Truth to Power, and written and directed a series of delightfully surreal music videos to accompany the songs, featuring, among other things, fictional prescription drugs and a wall of old televisions.

    John Bear (Westword)

  • As Moon Walker blasts our speakers in all sorts of sci-fi-inspired synths and their gritty instrumentals, they take us to the outro while we attempt to process the intricacy and meaning that Moon Walker has placed into this entire EP.


  • Truth to Power es el disco debut de Moon Walker, un grupo nacido este mismo año y que seguro dará que hablar en los próximos meses.

    Rock Culture

  • The production is perfect with dense and dominating rhythmic sounds allowing the duo to sound more compelling. The sound dramatically changes on the second track The TV Made Me Do It with a nervy and minimal new sound wave subtly blending in with lush funk. The aforementioned track subtly transitions into the next Tear Down The Wall. Everything about this track seems like blues-infused rock and it is the melody in the middle of the track where two shifts in pace and sound emerge. The vocal range dies down into a mellow sound accompanied by the tones of light drums. The track ignites under the sonic crunch of the vocalist and the equally imposing fretboard flurries. The rhythmic drums tether the two co-leads and while providing a unique and inflective fluidity of their own.

    Atri Mukherjee (Sinusoidal Music)

  • LA's Moon Walker were recently called this year's most underrated band, and I really hope that this will change, now that Harry and Sean have released their debut album "Truth to Power". There are at least seven reasons why Moon Walker deserve to skyrocket the Indie charts - the album's seven tracks. Seriously, in the review of their single 'Disturbed Suburbia', I have called the duo a hit machine, and I can only repeat myself. Moon Walker are one of those bands that create instant classics with every song they write - maybe comparable to Swiss Rockabilly heroes The Peacocks, but serving a different genre.


  • ‘Truth To Power’ is the duos debut album under the name Moon Walker. The band’s sound is truly personified in this album with a funky spin on the rock and roll genre. Putting dynamic drums and captivating guitar riffs in the forefront, Harry is able to speak freely and discuss his frustrations with the world around him. ‘Truth To Power’ is meant to be looked at as a social commentary, mainly inspired by the events of the past year and Harry’s thoughts on them. Using dramatic soundscapes and informative yet mesmerizing lyrics, ‘Truth To Power’ lacks any dull moments and will have you jamming, vibing, and learning throughout the whole project.

    Gifted Balance Records

  • And perhaps that’s what makes Truth To Power such a success. Though the lyrics are politically charged, they never come across as preachy because of the fun and funky wrapper. Harry on guitar and Sean on drums are both talented musicians, so it’s easy to enjoy the record on a musical level too. Things stay punchy right through the album’s midsection – New Commandments and Disturbed Suburbia.

    Graeme Smith (York Calling)

  • The band’s raw sound is both fresh and nostalgic. Perfect for a big stage, sometimes it even feels like they’re performing at a festival. For a debut album, they seem to have already hashed out how they want to be heard; something most artists don’t do for decades. Plus every song said something. There weren’t a dozen songs and half of them fillers – each one had a message and passion behind the performance.

    Tyler Roberts (Indie Top 39)

  • The first thing that listeners notice in Moon Walker’s newest album is the lyrical themes. Two themes run concurrently: a scathing commentary on modern politics and exploration of the human condition. The duo talks about themes of religious control, media influence, indoctrination, and classism. One example is “TV Made Me Do It”, a track that tells about the media’s influence over people and manipulates them to think and act a certain way. Another example is “Tear Down The Wall” with lunts lyrics about the effects of capitalism on regular people. It is empowering track to “beat the system” as the duo channels all its anger and frustration in both melody and words. There are many more examples, but it is clear that Moon Walker crafts brilliant lyrics. The words featured in each track are unalike. Yet, there is an overarching theme that tells a novel worth hearing to listeners.

    Ai Love Music